~September Happenings~ As we creep closer to October and the month of all things spooky, magical, and supernatural, I decided to mix it up and share some MUST SEE movies and TV shows. Above is a mix of movies and series I've seen, want to see and overall think are a MUST SEE! It’s not a complete list of course, but it's a start. LOL! I'm sure you've seen some or all of these, but where do they stand as far as a "LOVE and MUST SHARE" movie/show lineup? Inquiring minds want to know. Do you have some I need to add to my list? Most of these have a supernatural or sci-fi element to them, but there are a few that I chose because they tap into the creep meter/intensity zone I like as well. I'm a huge fan of a mystery needing to be solved and most of these fall into that category. Top picks I think you must see as we head into October Now don't get me wrong, all of the movies/shows I’ve shared in the graphics are binge-worthy, but the top five will get you started as we head into October. I'm currently watching Season 2 of The Boys. I have mixed emotions about this show. How about you? I like "The Boys" and Starlight, but the rest of them not so much. This is a show you'll either love or hate. I teeter between the two every episode. Santa Clarita Diet and Dead to Me are dark comedies, but they’re HILARIOUS! I dare you not to laugh at some or all of it. Upload is one to take a look at, too. It's a comedy with a hint of sci-fi because of the premise. It made me laugh and at the time that was what I was looking for. Wynonna Earp is a great show. I love the entire cast, but Doc and Wynonna are the best. Penny Dreadful is deliciously dark and since I'm a huge fan of Eva Green it was a no-brainer. Two shows you must check the trailers on to see if they are your cup of tea are Travelers and Sense8. Travelers has a killer concept (no spoilers) and has kept me intrigued and wanting more. I fell in love with Sense8 out of the gate. The characters and their backstories blended with their connection to one another create a superb storyline. Disclaimer: Sense8 is very adult in concept and is not a show to attempt to watch with kiddos around. LOL! I don't know about you, but I can’t wait to watch Netflix new release of Ratched starring Sarah Paulson. It looks fantastic and disturbingly creepy! BRING ON OCTOBER! Happy Watching and make sure to find me on Facebook or Instagram to let me know your thoughts. I'd love to hear what you think about my recommendations. Most of these can be watched on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, but there are a few you'll have to find elsewhere.*
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Brynn Myers
Paranormal Romance Author From Blood to Ink
A story where life imitates art and the impossible becomes reality.⠀
#greekmythology #chaos #accord A fantasy paranormal novel from Brynn Myers. ![]() My Current Audiobook
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September 2023