![]() For this month’s Check Out a Book with Brynn I decided to do things a little bit differently. I’m still listening to The Wives. (I’m on chapter 23 of 38 and it’s great. The twists, turns and questions that lead to even more questions have left me feeling like I’m on a tilt-a-whirl, but I LOVE IT!) I’ll give you a “no spoiler” review when I’m finished. :P However, since I’m still mid-book, I didn’t want to pick another one just yet. Instead, I decided to ask a friend if I could interview her about her current writing projects. We usually have more time to chat and I’m typically in the know, but since she’s had her nose to the grindstone working on her writing, our conversations have been limited. An interview seemed like a clever way of picking her brain for all of us. :P Some of you may already know who I’m talking about, but for those who don’t, I’d like to introduce you to an amazing writer who constantly pushes me to reach new heights and then take the next step to go even higher. Meet Tish Thawer––author extraordinaire! She’s best known for her Witches of BlackBrook series, but that is only a sample of her body of work. With over twenty-five novels and a few short-stories to her name, Tish is an accomplished author who delivers beautifully written, magic-laced novels that will have you messaging her for when her next book will be available. I know what you’re thinking, this is just a friend honoring another friend, but it is so much more––SHE is so much more. You don’t have to take my word for it. Follow this link and go to her ABOUT page to check out the list of awards she has www.tishthawer.com Yes, I may be a little biased, but I do know some of the ideas she has in the works and believe me, they’re going to be EPIC! So without further ado, please check out the curiosity questions I asked Tish about her Witches of BlackBrook series and current work in progress––The Sisters of Salem. I asked some standard questions, but tossed in a few random ones too. Thankfully, Tish humored me by answering them all.![]() Brynn: Where did you get the inspiration for the Witches of BlackBrook series? Tish: Oddly enough, from a lyric in the Rhianna and Eminem song, Love the Way You Lie. I was listening to it in the car one day, and when the part that says, “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn…” came on, I literally saw Trin tied to the stake with her arms out wide, like, “Bring it!” LOL. Then, when I saw Regina’s pre-made cover, I knew it was the one to compliment the story in my head. ~~~ Brynn: I’ve read a few of the books in this series but I’m curious how many books are there in total, including companions? Tish: There are three main books and one short-story companion that can serve as book 2.5. It was a Legends story I wrote in the Havenwood Falls shared world, where two of my three sisters make an appearance. I have a confession... Did you realize that The Witches of BlackBook series is written in reverse? (1st book is the end of their journey, the 2nd covers a middle lifetime, and the 3rd will take you back to the beginning.) This was unconventional, and a risk I was willing to take, even though I knew it may leave readers feeling as though book 1 needed more depth, but I just couldn't see myself writing it any other way. I promise, there's so much more to learn about the Howe witches, if you just keep reading... (PLEASE NOTE: To avoid spoilers, you still have to read them in order... book #1 TWOBB, #2 TDOM, #3 TSOS- coming in 2020.) #thewitchesofblackbrookseries Brynn: I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times but when will The Sisters of Salem be released? Tish: LOL. You have no idea. I originally announced and listed The Sisters of Salem (Book 3) on Goodreads back in 2017. Shared the cover in 2019, and are now finally close to the release in 2020. It’s been a journey for sure, marred by moves, deaths in my family, and other contracted deadlines. The official date still hasn’t been nailed down, but I know it will be this Spring or Summer for sure! ~~~ Brynn: I’ve read Lost in Time and really enjoyed how it began the historical books in Havenwood Falls. Can you tell the readers why you chose to use the Howe sisters in the Havenwood Falls Legends and how does it connect to the original books? Tish: Absolutely! Because my WOBB series is historical fiction, I knew I wanted to write within the Legends line of Havenwood Falls. I thought, what better way to introduce the magic into this town, than by my super-powerful witches. There was a time when two of the sisters were missing from a particular soul-journey in The Daughters of Maine (book 2), and I thought what better way to explain their disappearance than by having them trapped in the magical town of Havenwood Falls. Personally, I think it worked out really well. ~~~ Brynn: What is your writing Kryptonite? Tish: Time. LOL. I’m an extremely slow writer. Also, character development. Most of my stories are very plot driven, so I think my characters tend to suffer a bit for that. ~~~ Brynn: Do you try more to be original with each book you write or do you try and follow the trend by giving readers what they want? Tish: Original all the way. I’ve seen the trends (lately, supernatural prisons, etc.) but I know that’s not where I’ll shine. I need to write what speaks to me, and I always have. ~~~ Brynn: If you could tell your younger writing self one piece of advice, what would it be? Tish: Don’t give up, and don’t trust just anyone. Building up a core team of people you can depend on is key in this industry. Whether it’s an agent, beta readers, cover artists, or just author friends to bounce ideas off of, it’s important to work with professionals who will have your back, and help bring your vision to life. ~~~ Brynn: What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel? Tish: I know you’ll balk at this because we’re friends and you’re doing this interview, but honestly, your title, Falling Out of Focus, is one of the best books people haven’t read. LOL. ~~~ Brynn: What authors inspire you and why? Tish: Oh, man, I have a lot of author friends who fall into this category: Stacey Rourke, Casey Bond, Eric Asher, Amy Harmon, YOU! Anyone who continues to master their craft while creating imaginative, well-written stories is an inspiration to me. Those who can be original and prolific in this day and age, are people I’ve come to appreciate. ~~~ Brynn: As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? Tish: A black cat for sure! ;P ~~~ Brynn: How do you select the names of your characters? Tish: Like the rest of my stories, they just come to me. LOL. I’m a huge panster, so usually, something will just pop into my head that works, and I run with it. ~~~ Brynn: I love all the witchy element and themes in your books. Do you write your own spells or are they inspired from something else? Tish: Thank you. I do write all my own spells. Since being young, I loved anything to do with magic or superpowers, so that led to a life superhero movies and paranormal shows. I also worked at the largest Metaphysical store in Colorado at one time, which helped guided me to the Wiccan path. So, yes, all the magic in my books comes from my own knowledge and experience. ~~~ Brynn: What are you currently working on besides The Sisters of Salem? Tish: I’m currently writing the continuation of Natalie Putnam’s story in the Sun & Moon Academy, Book 2: Spring Semester. And for those who haven’t figure it out, Natalie is the descendant of Ann Putnam (featured in my Witches of BlackBrook series), so she’s also connected to my sister witches who escaped the Salem witch trails in a way. Her story itself provided a clue to what happens in The Sisters of Salem, if you were paying attention. 😊 If Tish Thawer is a “new to you” author, please check out these MUST READ books as a place to start, as well as, her Witches of BlackBrook series. All of them are fantastic! I’m patiently waiting for book three in the trilogy, The Sisters of Salem. I need to know how the sister’s story ends or begins…LOL! It’s a time travel novel after all. 😊
Brynn Myers
Paranormal Romance Author From Blood to Ink
A story where life imitates art and the impossible becomes reality.⠀
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