Welcome to Booktober Bingo! Grab the cards of all ten participating authors (tagged below) and start reading! Once you have read enough books to make a “Bingo” per card (a Bingo equals a line across, or down, or diagonal and can include the FREE space), simply submit your entry in Tish Thawer’s Book Coven group along with your review links to qualify for the Grand Prize. A winner will be drawn on October 31st and receive a SIGNED BOOK from each participating author AND a brand-new KINDLE FIRE! Happy Booktober and Good Luck! Don’t forget to follow each author on social media and subscribe to their newsletters to keep up-to-date with all their bookish things. (To submit your entry, simply take a screen shot of your completed cards, mark off which books you’ve read to make a “Bingo” on each, and post it in Tish’s group.) Join Tish’s group here: www.facebook.com/groups/TishThawersBookCoven/ Subscribe to my newsletter here: https://www.brynnmyers.com/subscribe-to-my-newsletter.html Follow me on Instagram here: @authorbrynnmyers Use the #booktoberbingo Participating Authors include: Belinda Boring @belindaboring Karina Espinosa @instabykarina Victoria Flynn @vflynnauthor Amy Hale @authoramyhale Brynn Myers @authorbrynnmyers Cameo Renae @cameorenae Stacey Rourke @rourkewrites Tish Thawer @tishthawer Becca Vincenza @becca_vincenza Rue Volley @ruevolley
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Brynn Myers
Paranormal Romance Author From Blood to Ink
A story where life imitates art and the impossible becomes reality.⠀
#greekmythology #chaos #accord A fantasy paranormal novel from Brynn Myers. ![]() My Current Audiobook
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September 2023